Importers and Exporters

We offer customized consultancy on businesses who wish to import into the UK as well as businesses who wish to export from the UK. For more information, kindly contact using contact form on the home page.

Sourcing and Supply

For sourcing of products from the UK as well as from chosen EU countries, we offer consultancy on on certain product and service categories. For a more customised approach, kindly contact us using the contact form on the homepage.

Investment opportunities

We offer consultancy to businesses and individuals who wish to invest in the UK either through establishing their own companies. We will liaise with the relevant professionals to assist you in your business registration including suggestions on prospective  business addresses thereof. For a more customized approach, kindly contact us using the contact form on the home page.

Who is an Importer of Record?

What We Offer

Importer Record

An Importer of Record (IoR) is a party who, when another party is importing goods into a country in which it has no representation, the former takes the responsibility and/ or ownership, whether temporary or permanent, of the goods that are being imported into that particular country.

Product Compliance

An importer needs a legal representative in Europe and the UK before marketing their products . An Authorized Representative, located in the EU or UK will be the point of contact between the party based outside of the EU or UK and the relevant Eu/UK national authority.

Brand Responsible

A responsible person is basically a legal representative of a cosmetic product in the EU/UK. An EU/UK cosmetics responsible person is an  Importer, manufacturer or  distributor of cosmetics or Individual resident within the UK or the EU who, in writing, has accepted to take on the role.

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